

There are days where I can write pages and page and be rather impressed at the flo. Other days, like today, I stare at a page and nothing comes. I feel like I’ve been squeezing a bag of sand for water, trying to get the words for this blog post. As suspected nothing has been coming and it’s left me frustrated and somewhat depleted.

This is silly, really. I’ve been defining what creativity looks like, what a good post looks like, and beyond that what my life should look like. As life evolves it seldom looks like our expectations. This is such a good thing, but I find my head and my heart struggling to meet at a place where I can delight in His plan, gladly surrendering my own.

n a recent moment of desiring to seek God and refocus my heart, I was listening to a worship music playlist and ”Your Promises” by Elevation Worship popped on. The words immediately poured into my heart and out of my mouth as a prayer and a declaration.

Doesn’t matter what I feel

Doesn’t matter what I see

My hope will always be

In Your promises to me

Now I’m casting out all fear

For Your love has set me free

My hope will always be

In Your promises to me

s the music continued to play I felt my heart drink in deep. My prayer and declaration became more confident, more sure. I realized what was happening––I was reestablishing my heart, thoughts and life on His word, on His promises. This restablishment was not based on what I felt or on what I could or could not see. It was not based on the fears that had been fighting for my attention and focus. My heart was now grounded in Him.

Are there some areas of your life where you have been going with what you see or feel instead of aligning yourself with what God is nudging your towards? Are there fears having a field day inside of your head? Make a little space in your day to ask God where you’ve been depending on yourself. Reestablish your head and your heart with His. Rest your plans in God’s hands.

To support the work that Because Justice Matters is doing in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco please click here.

Tate Callejas