Stories From Our I Am BJM Community: Rhonda Poppen, BJM Advocate & Volunteer
How did you become involved with BJM? Possibly one of the most sobering moments as a San Francisco resident was participating in the massage parlor prayer walk. A year ago, I started out volunteering at Manicure Mondays a couple of times a month. I thoroughly enjoy serving these ladies, touching their hands as I paint and pray with each one. More recently, my role expanded to serving as a BJM Advocate and helping raise awareness for BJM ministries through my local church.
How is BJM transforming lives? BJM is ministering to women by accepting them for who they are, right where they are, just as Christ does. These women live in a world where they are on constant alert for their own safety. At BJM, they know they are in a safe place, receiving Christ’s love. This allows them a calm setting for hearing positive, life-changing messages.
Why would you encourage people to give to BJM? The organization is very sound in purpose and effectiveness. They make all decisions (financial and otherwise) deliberately and prayerfully. hen it comes to life change for the investment, I consider the return very high.
Please help us reach our year-end goal of $30,000! By making a tax-deductible gift, you will enable us to continue and expand our Christ-centered ministries of healing and restoration for the women and children of our community.
Together, we can make it happen. Together, we can make a lasting difference. together, we are BJM.
To donate Visit our Website or Fb Page!
You can also mail a check, made out to YWAM*, to: 357 Ellis Street San Francisco, CA 94102