EdenMade is a department in Because Justice Matters that provides outreach and support/resources to women in the adult entertainment industry.
This is a MANDATORY training for ALL volunteers with EdenMade. This training will provide education about the adult entertainment industry and equip volunteers to be on the intercession team, outreach team, and/or gift bag team. However, attending this training does not commit or guarantee you to volunteering in any of these teams. Volunteering for EdenMade has a specific application process that you will learn about during this training.
This training will include a training manual from the nonprofit Treasures LA and light snacks and beverages.
Sign-up on Eventbrite to attend!
Although we've set the ticket price to cover our costs, we don't want finances to keep anyone from attending. If you need assistance or a scholarship, please email lynae@becausejusticematters.org.