Church and Family — Meet Donors Zach and Meghan Thwaits

Zac & Meghan Thwaits and their children

Zac & Meghan Thwaits and their children

Meet Zach and Meghan Thwaits, who not only support BJM financially, but also coordinate our church partnership with Authentic Church, where Zach is the associate pastor. Having lived and worked in San Francisco for over 15 years, the pair are committed to San Francisco. “We really have a heart to love our city and make a way to cultivate relationships in these times,” says Meghan. That vision drives their individual jobs—Meghan has been serving as a nurse on a COVID floor throughout the pandemic—and it also drove them to invest in our BJM family. Hear more from this power couple below! 

How did you & the church first get connected to Because Justice Matters?

Meghan: “I came across BJM in 2011, when they were starting Nail Day, and we started out making Christmas cards for the ladies who would attend. We made tie-blankets one year and prayed for them while we tied them, and later on, we volunteered with YWAM’s hot chocolate outreach. We’ve also attended EdenMade prayer walks since then.” 

Zach: “We slowly became the bridge between BJM and Authentic Church. We introduced one and the other, and the ministry partnership has continued.”

Why do you donate to Because Justice Matters?

Meghan:  “Over the years, I have seen so many volunteers and staff grow BJM. Programs starting for different families and students—I am so impressed! I just see that people there are not here to be heroes, but servants who love the city with longevity. They are planted to build relationships and they’re showing the love of God. God is so tangible and evident in all they do, so we want to support BJM in everything they are doing—seeing they are a beautiful ministry and creating community and beautiful relationships.”

Zach: “Later on, we came to a point as a church when we wanted to support those in tandem with our mission. BJM is always showing transparency, their heart, & their availability to help others.”

How would you describe Authentic Church to someone who has never been there?

Zach: “We would say it is very warm. We see people that are from very different cultures, ethnicities, generations, and socio-economic backgrounds. We are a small, open community, and we aim to help people find community within the city. We want to be a representation of the banquet table in the end times, where people of all walks of life are welcome.”

Meghan: “We also see BJM as a place where all people can gather. BJM is ALWAYS welcome to anybody who wants to be a part of a community that loves Jesus and loves the city!”

Want to join our BJM community? We’ve got lots of ways for you to get involved—from volunteering, to praying, to donating! Click here to learn more about partnering with us financially, or email to be added to our prayer and volunteer newsletter lists.