Brave Mothers, Bright Futures: Meet Alma

Meet Alma: a mother to four, Zumba dancer, and foodie-extraordinaire! “Most nights,” says Alma, “I’ll come home from work and be in the kitchen until 10:00pm. I’m enjoying myself, making tacos dorados or my special mole, blending things in my secret way and adding homemade tortillas, and before I know, it my daughter is telling me it’s time for bed!” Alma is an expert in the kitchen at home, and also at work at McDonald’s. She started as a dishwasher, and now she’s a manager!
Alma is originally from Apatzingan, Michoacan in Mexico, and she and her husband have lived in San Francisco for 20 years. She has a lot of insight about living in the city and raising kids here, which has made her a natural leader in our Brave Space groups. “As soon as I come home, I want to join the call — even before starting my dinner cooking!” says Alma. “We talk about everything: family problems, when we have deaths, our kids, recipes, work problems. It de-stresses me, and since I’m so far away from my family, being able to talk with these other moms and let it all out is such a blessing.” Hear more from Alma in her own words:
What advice would you give to other mothers?
“When your kids start to misbehave, do not yell at them or scold them. If you yell at them from the get-go, they will not learn. You need to have conversations with them. Explain to them why they are wrong. You also need to support them, be on their side, and always be there for them.”
What brave, bright future do you imagine for yourself?
“My husband and I hope to open our own restaurant here in San Francisco. We have our name ready to go, and I even took a course on opening a restaurant!”
What brave, bright future do you imagine for your children?
“My younger two daughters are doing really well in school. I’ll often receive messages from their teachers on how well they’re doing. And my oldest daughter will receive her social work degree soon — how do you think I feel? Beyond proud.”
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