The Spark of Something New
You don’t have to look further than our youth group to see the power of a spark.
You don’t have to look further than our youth group to see the power of a spark. Aptly named Ignite, high school students gather weekly for community, devotions, and prayer. It’s your typical youth group night.
We knew God was moving powerfully in the lives of these students over summer camp last year. There was a shift in the atmosphere. Erwin taught on “Following Jesus For Real.” Nothing particularly new, but it hit different this summer.
The night before leaving for home, we had a foot-washing ceremony. Staff washed the feet of each youth, prayed for them, and blessed them with words of life and hope.
And it lit a fire in our students like never before.
Something shifted. The Holy Spirit moved in a new way.
Every. Single. Student. Made a transformational choice to follow Jesus in a new way. For some, it was a first-time decision to follow Christ. For others, it was a rededication.
Still, others said yes to following Him deeper in all areas of their life. What followed that summer was a closeness and hunger for God that we’d never seen before. Students want to study the Bible before school, after school, on the weekends, even. Not only were students receiving prayer, but they were leading times of prayer, blessing, and interceding on behalf of their friends and family. Prayer time, Bible studies, before school, after school, on the weekends.
The spark of something new had been ignited.
Our students were not the only ones that experienced a spark. Something was shifting in our families, too.
At one particular dance recital, we welcomed many new families, not yet familiar with BJM. Over 200 people came to see the girls perform their choreographed pieces. We shared what the girls had been learning about God, praying for one another, and expressing their faith creatively. Again, nothing new for our dance classes.
But this time, the questions were new. Many families came up to us and asked if we were a church.
We said, “No” and explained that we are a Christian ministry, but we didn’t offer church services.
But the questions didn’t stop.
“When are you starting a church?”
“We aren’t.”
“Well, when you do, we’re coming to your church.”
Needless to say, our staff were very curious and committed to praying about what God was up to in our community. Our imaginations were sparked by the questions of our families and we began a quest based on holy curiosity.
For over a year, the BJM team has been praying and discerning how to respond to these requests from the community. How do we steward this spark?
As we have done with all new initiatives, we committed to spending a full year in prayer. Our leaders met weekly for prayer and fasting, seeking God together and asking Him to reveal his plan for us.
In line with our values, we surveyed the families and our students to understand core needs, desires, and assets. We intentionally listened to what they were asking for and dreaming for their heart for this new ministry in their community.
And, we listened to the community. In line with our values, we surveyed the families and our students to discern core needs, desires, and assets. But more importantly, we listened to their heart for this new ministry.
We heard three primary needs. Our community is looking for a church that:
Was in their language - Bilingual, English and Spanish
Met at an accessible time for their family - afternoons or evenings preferred over mornings.
Close to their homes - There is no Spanish-speaking, Protestant congregation north of Market Street!
Logistics aside, one Dad summed up the vision the best:
“What you’ve done for the youth…we want that. Can you do that for us?”
How could we say no to that?
So, this fall, we started meeting on Sunday nights for prayer, worship, and teaching, focusing on our core group of students and families. We share the Word, an intergenerational time of prayer and worship, a meal, and fellowship together as one body.
Together, we are building the foundation of a new, community-centered church ministry to launch in the near future.
And now it’s time to invest in this spark of something new.
“Your gift funds a sustainable approach to community transformation, empowering BJM to continue fostering a vibrant, multi-generational, and bilingual Christ-centered community.
Together, we’re building pathways towards brighter futures that reflect the heart of our community—a place where women, girls, and families experience abundant life and thrive."