With Love from Peru

With Love from Peru

Here in our city, we are blessed to have diversity from so many countries in Latin America. As we continue highlighting stories for Hispanic Heritage Month, we want to share some beautiful words from Nelida, one of the moms from Peru. Enjoy her words as well as a delicious Peruvian recipe.

“One thing about the Hispanic community is they always teach their kids their heritage. One very tangible way of embodying this is through food. The history and beauty of their culture are easily passed on in the kitchen as stories are told. It does not start in the kitchen but from the planning, going to the store to find that particular ingredient explaining to their children why. Even the naming of the dish according to its original has so much history and tradition. Peruvian cuisine is famously known around the United States and loved by many.  I hope as make this dish you cherish the richness and beauty of Peruvian Culture”

Papa Huncaina Recipe - Peru

Papa a la Huancaina is a Peruvian appetizer from the region of Huancayo. The creamy spicy sauce is poured over cold slices of potato, and a bed of lettuce, and garnished with black Peruvian olives and boiled egg. It’s slightly cheesy, and spicy, but also refreshing. This simple recipe for Papa a la Huancaina can be made at home anytime using potatoes.


  • 4 medium potatoes

  • 1 can of evaporated milk 

  • 6 soda crackers

  • Vegetable oil

  • 50 g of goat cheese

  • 1 aji en escabeche (pickled chili)

  • Salt to taste

  • Lettuce to decorate

  • Boiled Egg

  • Black Olives


  1. Boil your potatoes, once they are cooked let them cool. 

  2. Peel the aji en escabeche (pickled chili) take out the seeds and chop it up.

  3. In a blender add the evaporated milk, the soda crackers, goat cheese, and salt. Slowly add oil and blend until you get a thick yellow sauce.

  4. Stir the sauce through the strainer. Cut up the potatoes into thick slices, distribute them onto a plate, and cover them with the cold sauce and sliced boiled egg. Garnish the plate with lettuce leaves and black olives.

  5. Enjoy

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