Handing Out Love
Here is a sample of the love that was poured out that day! A collage that shows how much the woman at Art for the Heart value each other and how willing they are to build each other up!
Each woman who comes to Art for the Heart has a special spirit and unique character. This can be seen in the way each woman brings her own flavor of authenticity to every art project and in the eagerness of the group members to speak words of affirmation over one another.
One Morning our art project was called “I am Unique.” For this theme my co-lead and I decided that we would have the women look for words and images in magazines that reminded them of strengths and blessings they saw in one another. We were not sure how this would go over, but what occurred next was an outpouring of speaking into each other’s lives. For about an hour every one hunted and cut out items for every woman except themselves. After that hour it was hard for me to end the project…no one wanted to stop finding words of blessing for each other!
It was incredible to see how excited each woman got when she found a word that she thought fit someone else in the group…Phrases such as “Best in the World!” and ‘Amazing” started being handed around. Symbolic pictures of butterflies and flowers began to feel like they were attainable attributes.
At the end of the hour every woman had a pile of treasure that we turned into collages. The sweetness of the final products were reinforced with the knowledge that for some women these collages highlighted praises and blessings over their future never spoken of before.